Fashion Bug

 Fashion Bug

 Fashion Bug

 Fashion Bug

 Fashion Bug

 Fashion Bug

 Fashion Bug

 Fashion Bug

 Fashion Bug

 Fashion Bug

 Fashion Bug
As Fashion Bug and plus size develop into a recognized and (soon-to-be) respected section in Fashion Bug, so do the idiosyncrasies and most importantly nuances of Fashion Bug itself, as it pertains to plus size. You see, ten years ago, plus size only belonged in one lump segment, leaving us Fashion Bug with very little or if any options for online shopping and discerning which pieces were of a “Fashion Bug” standard.In Fashion Bug, the majority of your time was spent learning to create Fashion Bug illustrations, draping, sewing, and flat patternmaking. While these are high-quality skills to have, they aren’t very sensible when you’re trying to land your first job in the Fashion Bug industry. In the real world you’ll be predictable to know how to make computerized flat sketches, develop garment specs, CADs, and appearance boards. Contribute a better translation: